We’re thrilled to be partnering with The International Trade Center to digitalize the coffee supply...
The farmer connect® ecosystem consists of three products: farmerID, ConnectHub and ThankMyFarmer™. All these products work together in digitizing the supply chain, bringing transparency to product origins, and helping businesses build brand value through creating an engaging narrative around the products their consumers consume.
By integrating digitized traceability into supply chains, we aim to empower organizations through delivering relevant and timely insights into their business flows. Data is the key in enabling businesses to uncover and understand what’s really happening along their supply chain. This in turn can help accelerate their ability to both enable operational excellence and achieve sustainability goals. Change comes from knowing where the problems are.
Considering recent shifts in consumer mindsets related to sustainable shopping, consumers are the driving force for transparency. In a recent survey we conducted on 1,000 coffee drinkers in the UK*, we found that consumers are actively seeking for more sustainable and innovative solutions. On average, 82% of these consumers are more likely to consider buying coffee that uses technology, which proves it was picked ethically and sustainably.
Thus, through implementing end-to-end traceability, businesses can respond to their consumers’ needs for more trustworthy products and deliver defendable claims about sustainability and sourcing.
So, what kind of data can be uploaded onto the farmer connect® platform? We can divide the data into two sections: essential- and additional data. Essential data consists of the data we need in order to establish credible provenance of goods throughout the supply chain. This includes information such as: the movement of goods between locations, generic product name, transformation events (i.e., milling/roasting) and the date when it happened.
Additional data, which isn’t obligatory to upload, helps add value to the product traces and also allows an organization to better understand their supply chain. This consists of information such as: sustainability metrics, specifics of the product, operational information, and transportation details.
We genuinely believe that data is at the core of driving industry wide transformation, and in helping build a connected ecosystem based on trust.
If you have questions, or would like to know more about what farmer connect® could do for you, you can reach out to us directly at info@farmerconnect.com
Team farmer connect